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School Re-opens with 700 Students


Praise God from whom all blessings flow! The school* re-opened Mon., August 16, with 400 students and is now up to 700! All grades – nursery through 10th – are open and all of the teachers and staff remained. Thank you for financially and prayerfully sustaining them through the COVID-related closure –everyone staying is an answer to prayer.

The news gets even better! We’re excited to share that when the institution reached 600 students, tuition fees covered operating costs, making the school self-sustaining. As enrollment increases further, the school’s income can finance other aspects of our partner’s* ministry, such as the training and equipping of pastors and ch*rch planters. The funds will help our partner achieve his vision of planting one house ch*rch in every village of northern India.

God is so good!

In Christ,

Friends of India Network

*Name omitted for security reasons.


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