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Putting Orphans on Path to Success

A group of people standing with a sign.

Opportunity to Further Their Education

As our church planters go out to villages, they often come across children who are abandoned or who have a parent who is unable to care for them. To address this heartbreaking issue – and fulfill Jesus’ call to take care of the orphans – our partner* opened a home for boys in 2012 and a home for girls in 2015. These street kids are being transformed with the love and hope of Christ. In addition, they receive a free education at the ministry’s Chris*ian school serving nursery through 10th grades.

But, have you ever wondered what happens to the orphan boys and girls after they finish high school?

Thanks to the generosity and foresight of a generous FOIN family, a fund was established several years ago with the hope of one day enabling these children the opportunity to further their education. Now, that hope is a reality. For the 2023-24 school year, we awarded scholarships to 14 aspiring doctors, nurses, engineers and more!

“Just educating students through 10th grade is not enough,” said our partner. “We want to ensure they can stand on their own two feet. We want to put these believers on a path to success.”

Students interested in continuing their education – from community college to advanced medical degrees – may apply for a FOIN scholarship. They must:

  • Submit an application form,

  • Obtain a recommendation from someone in the ministry,

  • Write a personal essay,

  • Show official proof they completed the high school proficiency test, and

  • Be active in the ch*rch.

Finally, the scholarship committee, made up of Indian and U.S. leadership, interviews them to gauge their potential to be successful in college. This year, we were blessed to award all applicants a portion of their fees (tuition, housing, food and transportation).

Is God tugging on your heart to support orphaned children in India? By giving, you can ensure those who want to go to college are able to do so!

*Name omitted for safety and security reasons.

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