As India continues to break world records for daily COVID infections and the healthcare system collapsing, the virus has spread to the rural villages. Our partner shares that within his organization, a couple workers have died and 75 more are infected. Among his networks, more than 1,000 independent pastors have the coronavirus. In addition, with churches not meeting, there’s no offering being collected to pay pastors, and many are struggling to feed their families.
With breaking hearts, many of you have reached out to see what our partner needs and how you can help. Thank you! There are three key actions we can take: ensure the pastors and workers have access to medical care and food, sustain the school’s* teachers, and pray.
First, we can help pay for the medical care of those who contract COVID. Government hospitals are at capacity and private hospitals are expensive, if available. That means funds are needed to treat workers who become seriously ill. In addition to helping those who can’t afford medical care, we want to provide healthy food for the independent pastors with no income.
One worker’s hospital bill = $100
Food pack for a family of four for two months = $60
We can also financially sustain the 43 teachers and staff at the school – one of our partner’s major concerns. Without students paying tuition, there’s no money to pay teachers. These teachers are the cream of the crop and all strong believers. Since they come from other states across India, the fear is that if they can no longer afford their rental houses, they will go home and not return. (We paid the teachers’ salaries last school year as well as this past April.)
43 staff salaries for one month = $6,700
We can pray for God's mercy on India as well. Thank you to all who took part in our 24-hour prayer chain on April 25, as we stood in solidarity with our partner and the more than 50,000 Indians who participated in his weeklong fasting prayer chain. Please continue praying for an end to COVID, protection from the virus, healing for those who are infected, and aid for the poor people living hand-to-mouth.
Please give as you are able. Any amount is appreciated.
In Christ,
Friends of India Network
*Name omitted for security reasons.