
Disciple-maker School offering two new classes in person
Our partner* and his organization are inaugurating their new Disciple-maker School (DMS) facility with two in-person courses this month. While the original DMS opened last year as an online school, it is now housed in a new building near the children’s homes and St. John School.
In the middle of October, the organization will lead a Bible school to equip 30 couples to be trainers for the ch**ch-planting movement. In addition to studying the Bible, this six-month residential course will teach students to speak English and use computers. The women will learn tailoring and beauty parlor skills as well.
The second course is an 18-month certificate program to prepare two groups of 70 already selected, full-time ch**ch planters to become trainers and effective leaders. Each quarter they will gather for three days of training, including working through a house ch**ch-planting manual and completing practical exercises. At the end of the course, there will be a ceremony where each graduate is presented a certificate.
“All these trainees will be well-equipped for the ministry of Jesus,” our partner said. “They’re going to do great things for God!”
Please pray for these workers to become bold, confident and effective leaders and trainers so that they may bear much fruit for the Kingdom. Also, please start praying for the upcoming mass “holy bath” event, which will take place on Thanksgiving. At the beginning of November, we’ll send a message with more details, as well as a sign up to participate in a 24-hour prayer chain.
In Christ,
Friends of India Network
*Name omitted for security reasons.