The Lord blessed our partner and his organization with a vision to see No Village Left – a church in every village of Northern India by 2033. They are shining Jesus’ light into one of the darkest areas of the world. Of India’s 1.4 billion people, 95 percent are unreached – they haven’t heard the Good News…yet!
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2, NIV).
What will it take to see a healthy church in every village of Northern India?
“With 15,000 workers we can plant a church in every village of Northern India in 10 years,” said our partner. “To see no village left is a great way to celebrate the 2,000-year anniversary of the Great Commission! Right now we have 1,000 church planters, so pray for more workers.”
After one year, the ministry has already reached the two pilot districts (a total of 3,780 villages) – and is now expanding. Hallelujah! For reference, districts are similar to U.S. counties and have a population of 1 million to 1.5 million people.
Our partner places workers at each level of the districts, which are divided into sub-counties, then blocks, and villages, with existing workers at the higher levels and new grassroots workers at the village level. Each church planter will be responsible for planting a minimum of 15 healthy churches and sharing about Jesus with at least 1,000 new believers.
What are healthy churches?
In addition to gatherings of 15-20 people with at least half of them baptized, they follow the first century church model found in Acts 2:42-47. Members are devoted to bibl**al teaching, trained to go out and share their testimony and plant additional churches, and break bread, give, pray and worship together.
“Let’s do more for God!” said our partner. “We have a short amount of time on this earth, so let’s give it all we can!”
To empower the No Village Left movement,