We’re shining a light on different sections of the remarkable 10-year plan the Lord gave our partner.*. So far, we’ve looked at No Village Left (the vision to see a healthy ch*rch in every village of Northern India by 2033) and ch*rch planting training. Today, we’ll focus on the ministry’s two major evangelism efforts to the unreached – Global Outreach Week in June and Christmas Outreach Week in December – and how they provide inroads for NVL.
“Of the 240,000 villages in Northern India, there are 180,000 without a ch*rch,” said our partner. “ If you travel to these villages, you’ll find the people have all heard about large U.S. companies such as Facebook, Amazon and Google, but they haven’t heard the name Jesus. We are going to tell them about the one true God.”
The ministry mobilizes approximately 5,000 teams of two twice a year by training workers and new believers to share their testimonies and the Good News. Since the majority of villagers are illiterate, workers use pictorial banners depicting key stories from Creation to the cross. On average, these teams reach 7-8 million people and approximately 400,000 give their life to Jesus!
In addition, teams search for “persons of peace” – those who are welcoming to followers of Jesus and possible gateways to the community. For the next six months, workers will follow up with these contacts, go deeper in the Word and hopefully, start house ch*rches. And then, it’s time for another outreach week and another six months of progress!
Over the next 10 years, the ministry plans to share the Good News with 200 million people and gain 30 million believers!
What will it cost to accomplish these goals? To cover the two outreach weeks, each year we need to print 15,000 story banners at $3 each ($45,000) and fund 15,000 teams at $20 each ($300,000). For the full 10-year plan, we need $3.4 million.
*Name omitted for safety reasons.