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Join us in praying for our partner’s Global Outreach Week, June 24-30, when an estimated 5 million people will learn of Christ’s saving love for the first time! Five thousand teams plan to take the Good News to unreached people in 50,000 rural villages of Northern India, as well as parts of Nepal and Bhutan. Since the majority of villagers are illiterate, workers will share God’s story – from creation to the cross – using pictorial banners.
In addition, the teams hope to find at least 30,000 “persons of peace” – those who are welcoming to followers of Jesus and possible gateways to the community. Then, from July to December, workers will follow up with these contacts, go deeper in the Word and hopefully, start thousands of house ch**ches. Typically, our partner holds two major outreach weeks a year – one in the summer and one in the winter – and they are key to accomplishing his vision of “No Village Left.” He wants to see at least one ch**ch in every village of Northern India.
Your prayers and generosity can make this God-sized vision a reality! We invite you to participate in this incredible outreach by praying with us June 24-30. Click below to receive a daily email with a prayer focus, prayer points and Scripture.
We also invite you to participate in this exciting Kingdom work by giving. The travel, food and lodging cost per team of two is $20, and it costs $6 to print each Good News story banner.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7, NIV)
In Christ,
Friends of India Network
*Name omitted for security reasons.