Providing Abandoned Children in Northern India with a Hope and Future In response to the need for loving, caring homes that provide for the basic needs of food and shelter and for the deeper emotional and spiritual needs of children in northern India, a home for boys was opened in 2012 and updated in 2021, and a home for girls was opened in 2015. These homes are providing children with not just a new home and a new life, but also with a new hope in Christ. Well-trained and equipped staff members take care of the 100+ children and run the homes. The children have warm beds, healthy meals, and access to good education.
Be a part of this exciting ministry!
The children's homes have been built and are maintained by the generous donations of those who desire for these children to thrive both now, and in the future.
Consider helping them to continue to grow into their potential by participating through a commitment to a regular on-going gift:
$30 pays the monthly school fees for one child (including books, stationery, uniform)
$50 covers the monthly food, medical, housing and clothing costs of one child
$150 per month pays the salary of one of the caregivers at the homes
To support gospel-centered transformation across India, donate now.