24-hour Prayer Chain for Protection
Prayer is both powerful and essential to keep our partner’s* ministry thriving. As part of our network, we invite you to join our 24-hour prayer chain on Sunday, April 25, to cover his organization in prayer. COVID is spreading to India’s rural villages, with the country reporting more than one million new infections in the last five days. The government has closed schools again – including our partner's school – and may soon close the the children's homes for boys and girls as well. Our partner and his organization are mobilizing approximately 50,000 believers across northern India to participate in a fasting prayer chain, April 24-30, and we want to stand in solidarity with them.
Please sign up for a 20-minute increment to pray for protection. Also, we encourage you to share this e-mail with others to join us in prayer. (The link was removed after the event.)
Please pray for the Lord to:
Protect our partner and his family, the ministry workers and their families from COVID and help them remain faithful to their call to serve Him;
Safely re-open the school so the students – including the orphans and Dalit (formerly called “untouchables”) children enrolled there – can continue learning and being cared for;
Allow the childrens' homes to remain open so the boys and girls can be housed, fed, clothed, educated and taught the Word;
Provide food and other essentials to the poor, homeless and day laborers who are suffering and living hand-to-mouth;
Grant government leaders wisdom and direction in what COVID guidelines and restrictions to issue;
Utilize this crisis to bring countless numbers of people to know Him as their Savior; and
Stop the pandemic.
Thank you for covering our Indian brothers and sisters in prayer!
In Christ,
Friends of India Network
*Name omitted for security reasons.